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Australian International Islamic College

Australian International Islamic College

csarchitects has been commissioned by the Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) to develop the Master Plan for the Durack Campus. This Master Plan will incorporate the College’s ten year plan with the integration of specialist retail, medical/dental facilities and residences for the immediate community at large.

The streetscape within is intended to be an active pedestrian orientated environment with its central axis connectivity, facilitating a high quality public life and encourage social interaction.

The project will become a benchmark for an International Islamic College housing students and their families whilst providing the necessary facilities to make the development feel like ‘home’ by injecting Islamic features into the design principles.

Australian International Islamic College

csarchitects has been commissioned by the Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) to develop the Master Plan for the Durack Campus. This Master Plan will incorporate the College’s ten year plan with the integration of specialist retail, medical/dental facilities and residences for the immediate community at large.

The streetscape within is intended to be an active pedestrian orientated environment with its central axis connectivity, facilitating a high quality public life and encourage social interaction.

The project will become a benchmark for an International Islamic College housing students and their families whilst providing the necessary facilities to make the development feel like ‘home’ by injecting Islamic features into the design principles.