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Posted by on Jul 12, 2013 in News, Newsletter |

July 2013 Newsletter

July 2013 Newsletter

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PCYC Sports Complex  – Everton Hills, Queensland.

The brief was to design a contemporary multisports complex that will be staged to allow the continuation of the current PCYC operations while it’s in the first stage of construction. Stage 1 will comprise of 2 x courts and associated facilities that currently exist within the PCYC building. It is then proposed to demolish the existing PCYC at stage 2 of the project.

The overall project cost estimate for a multi sports complex is approximately $12.5M with a total GFA of 7,500+m2. The reception foyer and entry shall control access to all centre facilities and shall be planned to give best possible results for all movements to and from the Centre and within the Centre.

The four courts will be connected and form a curved structural steel module system with a central circulation spine that spectators can view into the courts at ground and upper gallery level.

GROUND FLOOR MASTERPLAN Floor Plan of Proposed PCYC Sports Complex

The competition and associated areas will comply with National Competition Standards and provide facilities planned to give best possible results for all movements to and from the field(s) of play within the Centre.

Attention shall be given to adequate storage space throughout  the Centre.  The needs for storage shall be addressed for administration, amenities and sport areas. Storage shall allow for separate storage for separate sport equipment and separate venue management and cleaning equipment.

Overall, the aesthetic of the proposal is simple and contemporary, designed to become a bench mark for future PCYC design concepts. pcyc01 cropped